Everyone at the camp was excited when the first hatchlings of one of our Leatherback (Laúd) nests emerged recently.
Over the course of the next several days, many more babies emerged from the nest and were released to the ocean. We even had an adopter of a later leatherback nest (and longtime friend of Ayotlcalli) participate in one of these releases.
Due to a decline in the population of male Leatherbacks, these nests typically have many unfertilized eggs, leading to low hatch rates compared to our Olive Ridley (Golfina) and Black Sea Turtle (Prieta) nests. However this nest did very well, exceeding our expectations.
We would like thank the adopters of this December 16 nest for their support – so thanks to Isabella & Arden. And thanks to all our Members this season!
If you would like to become an adopter, please visit our adopt-a-nest page.
The photo gallery below follows this nest from the day we found and relocated the nest through the release of hatchlings.