If you prefer to read this post in English, please scroll down. Saludos desde Campamento Tortuguero Ayotlcalli! Estamos muy contentos de compartir con ustedes que la temporada de desove 2022-2023 ha iniciado de manera oficial. Esta semana empezamos con los patrullajes regulares y ya tenemos 5 nidos con 430 huevos […]
Blog Posts
Once again, this year, we are planning to have a summer program during the first two weeks of August, 1st to the 12th. Children who are 7 to 12 years old will attend daily sessions Monday to Friday from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. The curriculum is very rigorous and […]
Hello to you, our awesome supporters! We want to share this video with you of Damaris Marin Smith, Camp Director, giving a tour of our improved Education space which was just finished thanks to your support over the last years. As you may know, the elements on the beach (wind, […]
Desplázate hacia abajo para español We know it has been a while without an update on our ATV angels, and a lot has happened! First of all, our angels doubled up on their match. And if that were not enough, through a corporate connection, they […]
Desplázate hacia abajo para español We are very pleased to announce our monthly beach cleanup on Playa Blanca. We had our first of the series on September 18th, and plan to do this activity each month. Why don’t you plan to join us next month? […]
Hello everyone! Just a note to let you know that we are planning an awesome “Guerreros del Arcoiris” summer camp. We have a new program this year for more experienced campers, so there will be two separate sessions! The first session will be from July 12 to 16 and is […]
Desplázate hacia abajo para español Hey blog readers and camp friends! We wanted to share this great news. We have ATV angels! Angels, who wish to remain anonymous, have pledged $5,000 of matching donations toward a much needed new ATV for the camp! For every donation we receive, no […]
Hello friends and supporters! I hope this post finds you well. I wanted to follow up to share a Q & A with my favorite teacher, Kimberley Khouzam, who recently had an adopted nest for her 3rd grade classroom. Currently, we are still in nesting season, which goes (more or […]
Greetings from beautiful Barra de Potosi! To commemorate our amazing season of Leatherback nests (21 as of this post), we decided to decorate a trash barrel to help keep trash out of their environment. We installed the can in front of the Kindergarten in Barra de Potosi. The Kinder is […]
As we start this brand new year and close out the last, we would like to take this time to count our blessings. We are thankful for so many things, too many to list, but we will try! We are thankful for our awesome group of volunteers, long-term and short-term, […]