Great Gift Idea for Your Educator Friends

We have a great holiday gift idea! For anyone, really, but especially for your educator friends!

An adopted nest for the classroom, remote classes, or home-schoolers.


Full disclosure here. The teacher we talk about here, Mrs. Kimberley Khouzam, is a childhood friend of mine (Patty). We were catching up over the summer and I was asking how it was teaching in the spring, and what things might be like in the fall. It all sounded so challenging in these times!

Talking about the camp, she said she thought an adopted nest would be a fun activity for her third-grade class in Howell, New Jersey. So, months later, after the school year was started and everyone was (kind of) settling in, I thought it would be a fun gift to give her and her class.

It has been such a fun project for all of us, that it got me to thinking what a great this would be, not just for Kim and her class, but for any classroom.

I think we all know how hard this past year has been and will continue to be for educators. Whether the classroom is remote, mixed, or in-person and distanced, putting together lesson plans for this new environment is quite a challenge. Anything we can do to make things easier makes us happy.

Watch for future posts where we talk about what fun things were done in the classroom, what lessons were taught, along with feedback from teacher and students.

Happy holidays to each and every one of you, our supporters!

Especially to those of you who are educators, we hope for a peaceful and restful holiday break!


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